Sunday Brunch: Bacon and Egg Yakiudon

For me, this is the best brunch to fill up my belly before heading out into the cold.


Udon – it’s got to be my all time favorite noodle. I know ramen and soba get a lot of the popular vote, but for me, it’s udon all the way. Thick, chewy and filling, udon is definitely my go-to noodle when I want a super satisfying meal. For me, this is the best brunch to fill up my belly before heading out into the cold. You’ve got your classic bacon and a soft boiled egg, but instead of potatoes or toast on the side, you substitute in some slippery, slurp-able noodles.


It’s looking a bit rainy here so we’re going to pop on our rain boots, put our hoods up and go for a super long walk. I love conversations in the rain. It’s like the rest of the world is on a soft mute – the colors of the autumn leaves wash out, the sounds of the city are damped by the rain, and it feels like we’re the only two people in the world, making our way through a forgotten city by the sea.

Hope you have a dreamy Sunday.