Reuben club sandwich


  1. 12 slices Coles Finest by Laurent Wholemeal Sourdough Vienna
  2. 1/3 cup (80ml) thousand island dressing
  3. 80g baby spinach leaves
  4. 16 slices shaved pastrami or silverside
  5. 410g can sauerkraut, rinsed, drained
  6. 4 slices Swiss cheese, halved


  • Step 1

    Reserve 4 bread slices. Spread the remaining bread with the thousand island dressing. Divide half the bread, dressing-side up, among serving plates. Top with half the spinach, pastrami or silverside, sauerkraut and cheese.

  • Step 2

    Repeat with remaining bread, dressing-side up, spinach, pastrami or silverside, sauerkraut and cheese. Top with the reserved bread and serve immediately.