Treasure Puffs


  • 4 refrigerated biscuits
  • 3/4 cup cream cheese
  • 4 teaspoons spicy mustard
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 4 ounces ham
  • 2 ounces green onions
  • 1 ounce carrots
  • 8 leaves baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup frozen corn
  • 8 strawberries
  • 2 kiwi fruits
  • 24 red grapes
  • 1 spritz non-stick cooking spray


  1. Spray muffin tins with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  3. Separate biscuits into half and roll out flat. (A piece of plastic wrap between the biscuit and the rolling pin prevents sticking.) Line muffin tins with flatten dough.
  4. In a bowl, mix together cream cheese, mustard and honey.
  5. Dice ham into very small pieces. Stir into cream cheese mixture.
  6. Thinly slice green onion, dice carrot and finely chop spinach.
  7. Stir green onion, carrot, parsley and frozen corn into cream cheese mixture.
  8. Spoon ham mixture into the center of the biscuit dough.
  9. Place in hot oven and bake until golden brown (about 15 minutes).
  10. Serve with fresh fruit.