About Normandy Girl

As a self-educated cook our self, "normandygirl.com" has turned into a confided in asset for individual pastry sweethearts who are additionally anxious to heat without any preparation. On our blog, you'll discover several without any preparation plans that are roused via regular top choices and plans that have been passed down to me.

There are likewise a lot of supportive kitchen tips, exercises on preparing rudiments, well ordered photographs, and video instructional exercises that will urge you to develop and believe in the kitchen. We'm furiously committed to giving great tried plans and sharing all that We've learned en route. Before We post another formula, you can feel sure that We have officially tried it many occasions in our own kitchen.!

Why choose us

We really trust "normandygirl.com" will be your first stop when you need a formula for any event—regardless of whether it's an amazing sweet for Thanksgiving, an enticing Valentine's Day treat for your adoration, or simply some flavorful solace treats following an extreme week. We'm grateful you're here to join the preparing adventure